How to Manage Your High Potential Employees

Written by Sheu Quen

3 minute read

High-potential (HiPo) employees are the shining stars of any company. They have the ability, commitment, and potential to take on leadership roles in the future. However, managing them is not just about identifying them and giving them a title. Our article explores the importance of HiPo management and the challenges that companies face in the process. We will also offer practical strategies to overcome these challenges. This guide provides what you need to keep your top talent thriving within your company. 

The State of HiPo Management Today 

Many companies recognise the importance of identifying HiPo employees and invest in assessments, development opportunities, and resources to help them grow. However, identifying and nurturing HiPos is just the beginning. The real challenge lies in managing them effectively to unlock their full potential. 

When managed well, HiPos can significantly contribute to the company’s success. If managed poorly, you risk losing them to disengagement, lower productivity, and turnover.  

The Challenge of Managing HiPo Employees 

HiPos are the type who thrive on continuous learning and development, yet many companies struggle to meet these expectations. It is not just about offering a few training sessions here and there. HiPos need structured development programs and challenging stretch assignments to grow. 

Unfortunately, these opportunities often get overlooked, leaving HiPos feeling underutilised and stuck in their roles. But this gap in development isn’t always intentional. 

Managers understand the importance of nurturing HiPos but are often overwhelmed with competing priorities. With so much on their plates, giving HiPo management the attention it deserves can be tough. Without consistent support, even the most promising employees can start feeling undervalued or misunderstood, which leads to disengagement. 

And when HiPos feel stuck or undervalued, they start looking for growth elsewhere. They crave new challenges, but too much responsibility can lead to burnout. The key is finding that sweet spot—keeping them motivated and engaged without overwhelming them. 

How to Manage Your HiPo Employees Effectively 

Here are some practical strategies to manage them effectively. 

Regular Feedback and Recognition 

HiPo employees need regular feedback to stay on track with their development goals. Combining feedback sessions, like 360-degree reviews, with one-on-one meetings adds value by providing personalised guidance. This approach ensures HiPos feel supported, motivated, and clear about their progress and future direction. 

An excerpt from our 360-degree feedback report that shows the differences in ratings between the self and the manager.

Career Pathing and Advancement Opportunities 

HiPo employees need to see a clear path forward. By outlining potential career paths and offering stretch assignments or leadership opportunities, you help them visualise their future with the company. These experiences push them out of their comfort zones, keeping them engaged and excited about their work while preparing them for leadership roles. 

Supportive Leadership and Mentorship 

Pairing them with mentors or coaches who can provide guidance, and support can be incredibly valuable. However, it is essential to ensure that your leaders are equipped to manage HiPo talent effectively. This might involve training your managers to understand the unique needs of HiPos and how best to support them. 

Regular Check-Ins on Alignment 

Regular check-ins are key to maintaining alignment with the company goals, but how can you make sure they’re truly effective? This is where tools like TalentPulse come in. By using the Skill Analysis feature, both you and your HiPo employees can gain a deep understanding of their current skills and competencies. 

The insights from the Skill Analysis—such as the difference between the employee’s current proficiency and the target level—provide a basis for setting new goals or revisiting existing ones. It also helps in determining the right training or stretch assignments that can bridge any gaps. 


Remember, HiPo employees are your future leaders. Invest in their development, support them with strong leadership, and provide them with opportunities to grow. In doing so, you will not only retain your top talent but also position your company for long-term success. Now that you are armed with these insights, it is time to put them into practice. Need help with this? Book a demo with us today and we will show you how TalentPulse can meet your Hipo management needs! 

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