Jackie Chin

Occupational Psychologist

Expert in occupational psychology and strategic talent management. Dedicated to empowering careers and solving challenges innovatively.

About the Expert

Jackie Chin is well-regarded at Accendo Technologies for his extensive knowledge in occupational psychology, strategic talent management, and expertise in psychometric assessments. He holds a Master of Science in Occupational Psychology. His key contributions have been instrumental in guiding the company to success through his involvement in research and development, creation and facilitation of Assessment and Development workshops, and his role in enhancing global talent strategies.

Jackie believes strongly that finding happiness and fulfilment in one’s career is crucial. He sees empowering careers as not only a reward but a fundamental part of achieving a healthy work-life balance. This belief drives his dedication to nurturing talent and leadership to ensure both individuals and organisations flourish.

What sets Jackie apart is his unique approach to problem-solving, influenced by his love for scuba diving. In the same way he explores the ocean’s depths for new discoveries, Jackie delves deeply into challenges in his field to find innovative solutions. Outside of work, he is committed to mentoring young people, with over a decade spent guiding the next generation of leaders.