How to Identify Critical Roles in Your Company for Succession Planning 

Written by Sheu Quen

4 minute read

What happens when a critical role is vacant? The answer is often chaos, disrupted operations, and diminished morale. Our article explores how to avoid this by showing you the steps to identify critical roles for succession planning. We will also discuss the challenges of pinpointing these critical roles. Find it hard to address this issue? We have a handy guide for you on how to determine which roles are essential for success. We will also explain how TalentPulse maps out critical roles and enhances role clarity for your succession planning. 

Why Identifying Critical Roles is Important

Identifying critical roles is the cornerstone of effective succession planning. According to Deloitte, identifying and preparing for critical roles can impact a company’s success, resulting in a 30% higher revenue growth and 50% more productivity

Unsure of what roles are considered critical? Here are some examples: 

  • Chief Executive Officer (CEO) 
  • Chief Financial Officer (CFO) 
  • Chief Technology Officer (CTO) 
  • Chief Operating Officer (COO) 
  • HR Director 
  • Operations Manager 

Getting your succession plan right is a smart move but it can be challenging. Now, let’s explore the challenges of identifying these critical positions. 

The Challenges of Identifying Critical Roles 

Both lean and larger organisations have their own challenges when it comes to identifying critical roles. Lean companies often juggle multiple hats with fewer people, making it tricky to identify key positions. While larger organisations get tangled in complex hierarchies and silos, which slows down the process with bureaucracy. 

Furthermore, advanced technologies, globalisation, and regulatory changes mean that critical roles are always evolving. This is true for emerging roles, like those in digital transformation, which often lack established succession plans. 

Ignoring these challenges can lead to significant operational disruptions. Leadership vacuums can arise, leaving teams directionless and causing a drop in employee morale. This disruption can spread through the organisation, affecting productivity and efficiency. 

When critical roles are misidentified, resources and efforts for talent development and succession planning are directed towards less impactful positions. This can undermine company performance and derail the achievement of strategic goals. Ultimately, placing the organisation at a competitive disadvantage. 

So, what’s the solution? We’ve drawn up a guide to help you with this! 

A Handy Guide to Identifying Critical Roles in Your Company

Step 1: Assess Impact and Influence 

What do you want to achieve in the next 3-5 years? This will help you determine which roles are essential for reaching them. List all roles and map their contributions to these goals and evaluate how each role influences organisational performance. Consider roles that:  

  • Involve making strategic decisions or leading key projects.  
  • Interact with multiple departments or teams. 
  • Contribute and influence financial performance, sales, or cost management. 
  • Require unique skills are critical for maintaining a competitive advantage. 

Step 2: Leverage Talent Assessment Tools 

Use talent assessment tools to evaluate criteria for critical roles. With TalentPulse, you can access a range of assessments. Among these are our Succession Planning assessments which can identify and develop potential successors for these roles. 

TalentPulse also features a Radial Organisational Chart that helps you visualise the influence and reach of specific roles within your company. 

It provides insight into role clarity and the impact on business performance by mapping out relationships and hierarchies. This way, you can better identify which roles are critical for succession planning. 

Step 3: Implement Metrics and Evaluation Tools 

Implement metrics and tools to evaluate the roles based on their readiness level and predicted role fit. 

  • Readiness level refers to how prepared an employee is to step into a new role, considering their current skills, experience, and developmental progress. 
  • Predicted role fit involves evaluating how well an employee’s competencies, behaviours, and values align with the demands of a specific role. 

These metrics can provide insights into an employee’s potential success in a role. This makes it easier for you to prioritise them in your succession planning efforts. 

Step 4: Conduct Regular Role Audits 

Finally, conduct regular role audits to keep your list of critical roles updated as business needs evolve. This ensures you are always focused on the critical roles and can adapt quickly to changes in the business landscape. 


Maintaining a smooth operation in your company starts with defining the critical roles. By managing evolving needs, complex structures, and operational hiccups, your company has the best chance of success. Our handy guide shows you how to assess impact, visualise influence, and score roles. Regular role audits keep things fresh and ensure you always focus on what matters most. Want to improve your succession planning? Get in touch with us and we can show you how TalentPulse can help!  

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