The Role of Talent Analytics in Succession Planning

Written by Sheu Quen

4 minute read

Succession planning has evolved beyond gut feelings and assumptions, thanks to the power of talent analytics. However, despite the benefits, many companies still face challenges in effectively using talent analytics. In this article, we explore these challenges such as data overload, lack of integration, and bias in data interpretation. We will also show you how to use talent analytics on TalentPulse in your succession planning efforts. 

The Evolution of Succession Planning

Talent analytics is a key aspect for organisations aiming to make more informed and data-driven decisions. It allows companies to dive deeper into employee performance, skills, and leadership potential.

According to Deloitte, companies that use data analytics are 5 times more likely to make quick decisions compared to their competitors. 

Take Procter & Gamble, for example. They embraced predictive analytics to evaluate their employees’ performance and potential. The result? A 30% drop in leadership turnover over 5 years. Now that is a compelling case for talent analytics in succession planning! 

The Struggle is Real: Challenges in Using Talent Analytics

Despite its benefits, many organisations still struggle to fully leverage talent analytics in their succession planning.  

First, there is the issue of data overload. Companies often collect mountains of data without knowing how to use it effectively. This data overload can make it easy to miss high-potential employees, simply because all that data gets buried in all the noise. 

Then there is the lack of integration between talent analytics tools and other HR systems. You end up with fragmented insights that make it harder to get a full picture of your talent pool. This can lead to gaps in your succession plan. This is not something you want when planning for the future of your leadership team. 

And let us not forget about bias in data interpretation. Yes, even data can be biased. Without proper data analysis training, your HR team may make decisions unintentionally influenced by bias. This can skew the results and affect the quality of your succession planning.  

Making Talent Analytics Work for You

So, how do you make talent analytics work for you? Here are a few strategies to get you started: 

Focus on Relevant Data 

TalentPulse features a Radial Organisational Chart that visually maps the influence and reach of specific roles within your company. This tool provides clarity on role relationships and their impact on business performance by illustrating hierarchies and connections. With this, you can easily pinpoint the roles that are essential for succession planning. 

Instead of trying to analyse every single piece of data, focus on the data points that directly impact succession planning. Think about what matters for leadership roles. On TalentPulse, we call identify these criteria as: Leadership, Agility, Culture Fit, and Skills. Each of these areas provides a quantifiable way to gauge potential leader. 

  • Leadership: Assesses strategic mindset, people management skills, and the ability to navigate uncertainty. 
  • Agility: Gauges adaptability and responsiveness in fast-changing environments. 
  • Cultural Fit: Evaluates how well an individual aligns with the organisation’s values, mission, and performance expectations. 
  • Skills: Reviews the specific competencies required for upcoming roles. 

Integrate Your Tools 

Make sure your talent analytics tools are integrated with your other HR systems. This might require some investment in technology, but it is worth it in the long run. 

TalentPulse is designed to seamlessly integrate with various HRMS systems, ensuring that all your HR data is connected and accessible in one place. The integration allows you to combine data from multiple sources and provides a more holistic view of your talent pool. It even enables you to assess an individual’s readiness and potential fit for a future role. 

  • Readiness Level: Evaluates how prepared an employee is to take on a new role, based on their existing skills and development progress. 
  • Predicted Role Fit: Determines how closely an employee’s skills, behaviours, and values align with the demands of the new role. 

Train Your Team 

Offer training for your HR team and leaders on how to interpret data accurately and make unbiased decisions. Training can help your team recognise and avoid bias, ensuring that your decisions are based on facts, not assumptions. 


Talent analytics may come with challenges, but the benefits far outweigh the obstacles. By focusing on relevant data, integrating your tools, and training your team, you can unlock the full potential of talent analytics. If you are looking for a platform to help you get started, tools like TalentPulse offer strong talent analytics that can simplify the process. It is time to move beyond gut feelings and make succession planning a strategic, data-driven process. Book a demo with us today and learn how to leverage TalentPulse to your advantage! 

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