5 Reasons Your HRMS Isn’t Fulfilling Succession Planning Needs

Written by Sheu Quen

5 minute read


Many companies today rely on Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS) to keep the business up and running. But what happens when your HRMS isn’t quite nailing the succession planning process? Our article explores why your current HRMS might be missing the mark on planning for your organisation’s future leadership and provides actionable solutions to improve your HRMS systems. 

What is Succession Planning and Why Should It Matter? 

Succession planning is like setting up a relay race where the baton passes smoothly between runners. In a business context, it ensures that when key players leave, there are others ready and able to take their place without missing a beat. It involves recognising and developing potential leaders to fill important roles within your organisation, preparing them to take on crucial roles when the time comes. 

This strategic approach not only secures your business’s continuity but also brightens your company’s future by ensuring that leadership remains strong and capable, no matter what changes come your way. 

What is HRMS and Why is it Important for Succession Planning? 

An HRMS, or Human Resource Management System, is a sophisticated software tool that automates and manages a company’s HR processes. 

It’s the backbone of the modern HR department, handling everything from payroll and benefits administration to employee engagement and performance evaluations. By centralising these functions, an HRMS not only saves time and reduces errors but also allows for more strategic HR management. 

Why isn’t Your HRMS Fulfilling Your Succession Planning Needs? 

If you’re like most companies today, you probably rely on an HRMS system to keep things running smoothly. But what happens when it doesn’t perform the way it should? Let’s break down why your HRMS might be missing the mark. 

Lack of Comprehensive Talent Profiles 

Most HRMS solutions aren’t designed to maintain comprehensive, dynamic talent profiles of your employees. They often lack the nuanced data on skills, experiences, performance, and career aspirations necessary for effective succession planning. Without this information, it’s tough to identify the right internal candidates for future leadership roles.  

Limited Assessment Data 

Sure, your HRMS probably does a great job of storing basic employee records and performance data. But when it comes to evaluating an employee’s suitability for future roles, basic information just isn’t enough. You need more sophisticated and holistic data to truly evaluate someone’s suitability for leadership. 

Inadequate Integration with Other Systems 

Succession planning demands a holistic view of each employee. This means your HRMS needs to integrate smoothly with other systems like performance management and learning and development platforms. If your HRMS isn’t well-integrated with these systems, you’re left with fragmented data that hinders effective planning.  

Poor Analytic Capabilities 

Effective succession planning relies heavily on the ability to analyse and forecast future staffing needs based on various scenarios. If your HRMS lacks robust analytical tools, it can prevent your HR department from predicting potential leadership gaps and identifying the qualities required for future roles. 

User Experience and Accessibility Issues 

Even the best HRMS is useless if it’s not user-friendly or accessible. Your HR teams and managers need to update and access succession data easily, anytime, and on any device. Clunky systems that are limited to desktops can slow down decision-making and reduce overall effectiveness. 

How to Strengthen Your HRMS for Better Succession Planning 

Build Dynamic Talent Profiles 

Strengthen your HRMS by integrating modules that can build and maintain dynamic talent profiles. These profiles should be capable of capturing a wide range of information such as an employee’s past experiences, skills, performance metrics, and even their career aspirations. 

You can also deploy self-service portals where employees can update their own profiles can keep data current and relevant. Alternatively, you can partner with HRMS providers to include fields that allow regular updates and modifications, ensuring that profiles evolve as employees grow within the company.  

Integrate Advanced Assessment Tools 

Another way to strengthen your HRMS for more effective succession planning is the integration of a comprehensive talent management module. 

This module would go beyond capturing basic employee information and performance data to include capturing data from advanced assessment tools such as psychometrics, simulations, or game-based assessments. These tools can shine a light on an employee’s leadership potential, problem-solving skills, cultural fit, cognitive abilities, and adaptability. 

Improve Your System Integration 

Integrating your HRMS with other systems such as performance management systems, learning and development platforms, and recruitment software could involve employing software that connect disparate systems.  

Alternatively, you can choose an HRMS that comes with open APIs for easier integration. The goal is to create a unified database where all employee information is accessible, thereby providing a comprehensive view of each employee’s capabilities and development trajectory. 

Invest in Advanced Analytics 

Invest in an HRMS equipped with advanced analytics and predictive modelling capabilities. Look for systems that offer customisable dashboards and reporting tools capable of performing complex data analyses, such as identifying potential leadership gaps, forecasting retirement, and analysing workforce trends.  

Training your HR teams to use these tools effectively will also be crucial, as this will enable them to make data-driven decisions about your future leadership needs. 

Enhance User Experience and Accessibility 

Ensure that your HRMS is user-friendly and accessible on various devices. This flexibility enables your HR managers to access and update succession planning data anytime, anywhere, which is crucial in today’s mobile-first world.  

Go for an HRMS system with a well-designed user interface that simplifies complex processes and encourages regular use through engaging user experiences. 

Wrapping Up 

While many companies have good intentions with their succession planning, the outcomes often fall short due to limitations in their HRMS. By stepping up your tech game, you can smooth out your HR processes and ensure your company is ready for leadership transitions. Here’s what to keep in mind: 

  1. Invest in top-notch tools to streamline HR processes and solidify your succession planning. 
  1. A great HRMS brings all employee data together for easy access and analysis.  
  1. Proactive planning with the right tools helps identify leadership gaps and readiness. 
  1. Strategic decision-making aligned with company goals maintains continuity and keeps your organisation resilient. 

Integrating the right succession planning software can transform your strategy, helping you pinpoint gaps and seize opportunities. So, gear up and make your HRMS work for you! 

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