Key Criteria to Identify HiPo Employees in Your Organisation

Written by Sheu Quen

4 minute read

Are your future leaders hiding in plain sight? Identifying high-potential (HiPo) employees is like finding a needle in a haystack. It requires looking beyond current performance metrics and considering a broader set of criteria. In this article, we look at the four key criteria that mark HiPo employees: leadership, agility, cultural fit, and skills. These criteria fall into our 4 quadrant scores that provide a holistic view of an individual’s potential. We also explore how TalentPulse can help you identify and nurture your talent. 

The Current State of Talent Management 

As talent management evolves, the search for HiPo employees becomes more intense. These are the future leaders who will bring your organisation to new heights. Therefore, it’s no surprise companies recognise the importance of developing leaders internally. 

Yet, according to a Gartner survey, only 44% of employees believe their organisation has the talent needed for future success. 

But what is it that sets your HiPo employees apart from your high performers?  

  • High-potential employees can grow into leadership roles despite not yet having all the necessary skills or experience. 
  • High-performing employees consistently achieve results and meet expectations but may not have a similar long-term growth potential. 

The focus on potential over performance is crucial. It highlights an individual’s ability to grow and thrive in more demanding roles. 

What are the Challenges in Identifying HiPo Employees? 

One of the biggest hurdles is the over-reliance on performance metrics. Consistently delivering results is great. But constantly focusing on current performance can blind us to future potential. HiPo employees might not yet have all the skills or experience, but their ability to grow and adapt is what makes them future leaders. 

Invisible leakage may also pose a challenge to companies. It occurs when an employee’s actual skills are not aligned with their role, causing productivity losses and poor decision-making. Deloitte reports that such gaps can hurt leadership development, as well as short- and long-term growth when mission-critical positions remain unfilled. 

Then there’s the lack of a standardised framework for assessing potential across various roles and departments. A lack of structure results in inconsistent and subjective evaluations from different departments and managers. This leads to confusion and can cause promising employees to slip through the cracks. 

Ignoring these challenges can lead to a misalignment between the skills your organisation currently has, and the leadership needs of the future. This disconnect can stifle innovation and leave your company scrambling to find the right leaders when they’re needed most. 

And the Key Criteria are…

LeadershipLook for individuals who naturally inspire and influence others. These are the people who rally the team and take charge when needed. Whether they’re coordinating a project or mentoring a new colleague, their leadership skills are evident. 
AgilityIn today’s fast-paced world, adaptability is crucial. HiPo employees are quick learners who can adjust to new situations with ease. They embrace change, see it as an opportunity, and are always ready to tackle new challenges.  
Cultural FitAlignment with organisational values and culture is vital for long-term success. They fit seamlessly into the team, uphold company values, and contribute positively to the work environment. They’re the ones who just “get it” and make the workplace a better place for everyone. 
SkillsCritical thinking and problem-solving abilities set HiPo employees apart. These individuals can analyse situations, think creatively, and come up with innovative solutions. Their knack for turning challenges into opportunities makes them invaluable assets. 

Now that you’ve identified the criteria, it’s time to put those ideas into action with an identification process. Investing in HiPo identification ensures leadership continuity and fostering a culture of recognition and development. Here’s how you can make it happen: 

With TalentPulse, you can reduce bias and make informed decisions about who has the potential to shine. Our HiPo identification method employs the 9-box plot chart to visualise where employees stand in terms of performance versus potential. For instance, individuals in box 4 exhibit high potential and are perfect candidates for leadership development. 

Furthermore, our High-Potential Talent Assessment Suite lets you evaluate individuals’ “stretchability” for stretched development positions.  


The first step to identify your HiPo employees is to focus on the key criteria of leadership, agility, cultural fit, and skills. With tools like TalentPulse, you can reduce bias and learn more about who’s ready to rise. As the world evolves, so should your criteria. Regularly updating them keeps them aligned with your organisation’s changing needs. Thus, ensuring you’re ready for both current and future opportunities. Have what it takes to invest in your HiPo employees? Book a demo with us to see how TalentPulse can help! 

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