How to Develop Career Growth Plans for Your Employees

Written by Sheu Quen

4 minute read

Why do some employees stick around and keep growing while others leave for the next big opportunity? Our article explores the secret behind that loyalty: career growth plans that work. We’ll dive into why these plans matter and how companies can use them to foster continuous development and keep top talent onboard. Along the way, we’ll tackle the challenges companies face when creating these plans and share ways to overcome them. And, of course, we’ll show you how TalentPulse can help to make it all happen. 

The Growing Demand for Career Growth Plans

Recognising this, companies have taken the first step by mapping out career paths to show employees where they could go within the organisation. But simply mapping out a path isn’t enough. 

Without detailed career growth plans, those pathways can feel like empty promises. What companies need are solid career growth plans that can help their teams progress and help them reach their full potential. However, creating these plans isn’t always easy.  

The Challenge in Developing a Career Growth Plan 

One of the biggest challenges companies face when creating career growth plans is the lack of commitment and skill among leaders. Without strong dedication from leadership at all levels, it’s tough to build a culture of growth. Leaders need to be not only willing but also capable of supporting employee development. And that’s not always the case. 

Then there’s the issue of resources. Companies might struggle with limited time, budget, tools, or even the know-how to implement effective growth plans. It’s not just about having a plan on paper; it’s about having the right resources to make it work. 

Rapid industry changes can also complicate matters. In some sectors, what’s relevant today may not be applicable tomorrow due to shifting market trends, new technologies, or innovations. As a result, companies might be hesitant to invest in detailed career growth plans that could become outdated within a few months.  

While “short term” can mean 3 to 6 months in fast-paced industries like tech, anything under a year is generally considered short term. However, this doesn’t mean they avoid investing in growth altogether. Instead, companies opt for more flexible, adaptable plans that can be adjusted as the industry evolves.  

Strategies for Developing Effective Career Growth Plans 

Now that we’ve talked about the challenges, here’s how to develop career growth plans that work.  

Assess Employee Aspirations and Skills 

Learn about your employees’ career progression and what they’re passionate about. What do they want to achieve? What’s next for them?  Tools like TalentPulse offer features like Skill Analysis and Career Development that play a role in assessing employee aspirations and skills.  

The Skill Analysis feature gives you a snapshot of where your employee’s skills stand compared to what’s needed for their role. By highlighting these gaps, it helps create career growth plans that are totally customised to each person. This feature keeps updating as the employee grows, so their plan stays relevant and on track. 

You can use the Career feature to show your employees how well they fit into their current role and what they will need to work on to progress. Easily focus on what matters for their career and the company’s goals by breaking down the required skills and behaviours. The feature allows for adjustments along the way as things change so that career growth plans are tailored to the bigger picture. 

Personalise the Growth Plans and Provide Support 

Forget cookie-cutter approaches! This is where you customise the plan with specific steps that suit each employee. Set SMART realistic goals, timelines, and milestones that make sense for where they are now and where they want to be.  

At the same time, make sure your employees have the resources and support they need to succeed. This could be in the form of training programs, mentorship, or even just regular check-ins with their manager. Support isn’t a one-time offer – it’s an ongoing commitment. 

Regularly Review and Adjust Plans Accordingly 

Industries change, company needs evolve, and employee goals might shift, too. Schedule regular reviews to see how things are going and make adjustments as necessary. Being flexible and adaptable with the plan ensures it stays relevant and keeps your employees on track for success. 


Investing in career growth plans is essential for career development and employee retention. By assessing aspirations, aligning with company goals, and providing ongoing support, you create a path to success. Remember, regularly reviewing and adjusting these plans ensures they stay relevant in a rapidly changing world. With the right approach, everyone wins! Book a demo with us and see how TalentPulse can help with your career growth plan needs. 

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