Top 20 Recruitment Assessment Tools for Graduate Hiring in 2023-2024 

Written by Sheu Quen

13 minute read

In the rapidly evolving realm of graduate hiring, the race to secure the best talent is relentless. With industries shifting gears and competition soaring, the need for precise recruitment tools has never been more critical. This blog is your gateway to the top 20 assessment tools meticulously curated for graduate hiring in the years ahead. With 86% of companies reporting that using assessments improved their process, the impact is undeniable. Seize the opportunity to stay ahead, enhance your hiring strategy, and attract top-tier graduates to fuel your organisation’s success. 

Don’t just hire, elevate. Don’t just recruit, resonate. Join us on an exploration of the tools that will define graduate hiring excellence in 2023-2024. 


Welcome to the ever-evolving world of graduate hiring! In this digital age, where competition for top talent is fiercer than ever, organisations must leverage the best graduate recruitment assessment tools to identify the best candidates. Our blog will walk you through the top 20 recruitment assessment tools for graduate hiring in 2023 and 2024, thus equipping you with the knowledge to make informed decisions about your graduate hiring process. 

What are Recruitment Assessment Tools for Graduate Hiring?

Understanding the significance of graduate recruitment assessment tools is crucial before delving into the top options. These tools evaluate skills, abilities, personality traits, and organizational fit, offering valuable insights beyond resumes and interviews. In a competitive job market, they enhance objectivity and efficiency, playing a pivotal role in identifying the best candidates for fresh graduate hiring. 

In 2022, in Malaysia, 69.1% of all recent higher education graduates were employed, while 16.6% of these graduates were pursuing further studies, according to data from the Statista Research Department.

What are the 3 Basic Principles for Graduate Hiring Assessments?

Effective assessments are built on the three basic principles – reliability, validity, and fairness. These are essential for ensuring that assessment tools are robust, accurate, and ethically sound. By adhering to these principles, organisations can confidently use assessments to identify the most qualified candidates for their graduate hiring needs. 


Reliability is the foundation of any valid assessment tool. It refers to the consistency and stability of the tool’s results over time. Reliability means that if the same candidate were to take the assessment multiple times, the results should be highly consistent. 

A reliable assessment minimises measurement errors, ensuring that the scores accurately reflect the candidate’s true abilities or characteristics. In other words, high reliability instils confidence in the assessment’s ability to provide consistent and dependable results. 


The validity of an assessment tool measures what it claims to measure. In the context of the best graduate recruitment tools, validity is essential to ensure that the tool accurately evaluates the specific skills, abilities, or traits required for the job. 

Three types of validity are content validity (the assessment’s content matches the job requirements), criterion-related validity (the assessment correlates with job performance), and construct validity (the assessment measures the underlying constructs relevant to the job).  

Validity is crucial to ensure the tool accurately predicts job success and is not biased against any group of candidates. 

The Aberdeen Group’s research indicates that graduates hired using assessments perform up to 26% better in their roles.


Fairness is another vital principle in recruitment assessments. It ensures that the assessment process does not discriminate against any group of candidates based on factors such as gender, race, age, or disability. Fairness in assessments is closely tied to legal compliance and diversity and inclusion efforts within an organisation. 

It is essential to select assessments that have been validated as fair and unbiased to promote equal opportunities for all candidates.

What are the Different Types of Recruitment Assessment Tools for Graduate Hiring?

Identifying which candidates to prioritise in the applicant pool for graduate roles can be challenging. One of the main reasons for this is that fresh graduates lack relevant work experience. Hence, the role of recruitment assessment tools has become increasingly crucial.  

In this section, we will delve into the different assessment tools designed specifically for graduate hiring. These tools come in various forms, each serving a unique purpose in evaluating a candidate’s potential, skills, and compatibility with the organisation. 

Studies have shown that graduates selected using assessments can be up to 20% more productive, as reported by the Aberdeen Group.

Name of ToolDescription
Cognitive AssessmentsThese assessments evaluate a candidate’s problem-solving, critical thinking, logical reasoning, and overall intellectual capacity, indicating their potential to excel in a new role. Examples include numerical, verbal, and abstract reasoning tests.
Personality AssessmentsPersonality assessments, such as the MBTI and Big Five, reveal candidate traits, preferences, and behaviours, helping predict their fit within a company’s culture and interactions with colleagues and clients.
Situational Judgment TestsSituational judgment tests evaluate a graduate’s aptitude for handling workplace challenges, decision-making, and judgment across various scenarios, especially in roles demanding strong interpersonal skills and problem-solving.
Skills and Aptitude TestsThese tests focus on specific skills or aptitudes required for a particular job. For graduate hiring, these tests cater for technical skills, language proficiency, and industry-specific knowledge, ensuring new hires are job-ready.
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) AssessmentsEQ assessments evaluate a candidate’s emotional intelligence, which is crucial for roles that involve teamwork, leadership, or client interaction. High EQ graduates excel in managing emotions and navigating workplace relationships.
Behavioural Interviews and Assessment CentresBehavioural interviews analyse a candidate’s past experiences and actions to predict future behaviour, while assessment centres use exercises and simulations to assess a graduate’s skills, abilities, and interpersonal competencies in a real-world context.
Gamified AssessmentsGamification in assessments transforms evaluations into engaging games, effectively measuring problem-solving, creativity, adaptability, and offering an interactive candidate experience.

Our Top List of 20 Recruitment Assessment Tools for Graduate Hiring

With seemingly myriad assessments available on the market today, we understand how overwhelming this must feel for your HR teams. Thus, we have compiled a list of the best graduate recruitment tools that you can consider implementing in your graduate hiring process. 

Assessments have the potential to reduce the risk of making a bad hire by up to 49%, according to the Aberdeen Group.

NameTools Offered

Learning Agility Assessments, Culture Fit Assessments, Criteria Game-Based Assessments for graduate hiring, AON and Hogan Assessments for personality traits, Criteria Assessments for cognitive abilities, Functional & Technical Assessments, Business Simulations Assessments, Psychometric Assessments for graduate hiring
AlvaBehavioural assessments, Integration with Applicant Tracking Systems
Assess FirstTech Screening Tools, Cognitive Assessments, Personality Assessments, Skills Tests
BerkeCognitive Assessments, Personality Assessments
Criteria CorpCognitive Assessments, Personality Assessments
HackerRankCoding Challenges, Assessments to test candidates’ programming skills
HarverAI-driven Cognitive Assessments and Skills Tests, Customisable Feedback and Questionnaires
HireVueAI-driven Video Interviews and Assessments, Skills and Personality Evaluation, Cultural Fit Assessments
IBM KenexaSkills Tests and Personality Assessments
iMochaTechnical Skills Assessments, Aptitude Tests, and Personality Assessments
Mercer MettlCoding Tests, Aptitude Tests, and Personality Assessments
Predictive IndexPersonality Assessments, Behavioural Assessments
PymetricsNeuroscience-Based Games to assess cognitive and emotional traits
SHLCognitive Assessments and Personality Assessments
TalentSorterPersonality Assessments
TestDomeTechnical and Non-Technical Pre-Employment Tests
Talent QPsychometric Assessments for graduate recruitment
Toggl HireSkills-Based Assessments and Collaborative Hiring Tools
TraitifyVisual Personality Assessments
VervoeSkills-Based Assessments and Job Simulations

Why Top Leaders Choose Accendo’s Graduate Hiring Program?

Graduate Hiring Program

The conventional approach to graduate hiring often entails a slow, labour-intensive, and somewhat tedious process. The initial steps, including sourcing applications and conducting initial interviews, can consume up to 14 days. 

How Accendo’s Graduate Program Outweighs a Traditional Hiring Model

NameTools Offered

Learning Agility Assessments, Culture Fit Assessments, Criteria Game-Based Assessments for graduate hiring, AON and Hogan Assessments for personality traits, Criteria Assessments for cognitive abilities, Functional & Technical Assessments, Business Simulations Assessments, Psychometric Assessments for graduate hiring
AlvaBehavioural assessments, Integration with Applicant Tracking Systems
Assess FirstTech Screening Tools, Cognitive Assessments, Personality Assessments, Skills Tests
BerkeCognitive Assessments, Personality Assessments
Criteria CorpCognitive Assessments, Personality Assessments
HackerRankCoding Challenges, Assessments to test candidates’ programming skills
HireVueAI-driven Video Interviews and Assessments, Skills and Personality Evaluation, Cultural Fit Assessments
Traditional HiringDaysAccendo’s ModelDays
Sourcing Application14 DaysSimplify2 Days
Manual Screening7 DaysOnline Assessments1 Day
Initial Interview14 DaysAssessment Centre3 Days
Assessments5 DaysFinal Interview 
Final Interview   

With Accendo’s Graduate Program, everything can be completed from candidate application via Simplify to the final interview stage in less than 10 days. Let us explain how this works.

Harvard Business Review reports that graduates who are placed in roles that align with their skills and abilities tend to report higher levels of job satisfaction.

Simplify, application made easy

Accendo offers a streamlined alternative to traditional recruitment methods with our Graduate Program. Using our ‘Simplify’ application platform, candidates can initiate their journey by scanning a QR code on your website, eliminating waiting times. In just two days, candidates can complete the initial step, followed by online assessments in one day and three days at an assessment centre before the final interview stage. This efficient process takes less than 10 days, is cost-effective, and ensures swift access to top talent for your organisation. 

Interactive and game-based assessments for graduate hiring

The highlight of Accendo’s Graduate Program lies in the integration of game-based assessments, revolutionising the recruitment journey into an interactive and dynamic experience. These assessments are more than mere tools; they serve as gateways to an engaging recruitment process with numerous benefits. 

This approach not only boosts attendance and reduces dropouts but also fosters lasting positive impressions among candidates, enhancing brand awareness and generating buzz. Exceptional interview experiences further solidify your position as an employer of choice, making your organisation more attractive to top talent. Accendo’s game-based assessments do more than assess; they elevate the candidate experience, amplifying your brand’s impact within the industry. 

As stated by HR Daily Advisor, 75% of HR professionals consider the use of assessments to be a competitive advantage in the hiring process.

The interactive game-based assessments, offered through Cognify by Revelian, are accessible via Accendo’s Assessment Marketplace. They offer an enjoyable way to assess mental agility and decision-making skills. 

In addition to Cognify, Accendo’s Assessment Marketplace also provides access to Adept-15 and Views, two assessments focused on behavioural traits and motivation. Adept-15 assesses the alignment of an individual’s behaviour with competencies, while Views delve into the underlying motivations and interests that drive a person’s performance at work. 

Accendo’s Assessment Marketplace offers a range of assessment tools beyond these, including psychometric tests for graduate hiring, business simulations, and additional behavioural assessments. These tools enable you to thoroughly evaluate your candidates’ suitability for your organisation. 

Consolidated reports for holistic evaluation

The assessment scores are compiled within TalentPulse, Accendo’s Talent Intelligence Platform. A snapshot of the Graduate’s profile covers Agility, Behaviour, and Motivation. The report also includes a deep dive into each competency to understand the Graduate more in-depth. An indicator of the Graduate’s career path orientation and reflection tips are available for further thought and discussion. 

Within the report, you will find clear and user-friendly instructions designed to assist both candidates and recruiters in understanding the content, eliminating the need for external consultation. It provides a snapshot of the graduate’s profile, encompassing Agility, Behaviour, and Motivation.  

In addition, you will discover a section titled ‘Food for Thought’, offering constructive feedback for candidates to enhance their skills and valuable suggestions regarding potential career paths. 

Examples of Companies Using Graduate Assessment Tools in Graduate Hiring

Educational institutions are constantly seeking innovative ways to prepare their graduates for successful careers. Equipping them with the skills sought by employers is just as important, and these institutions have begun harnessing the power of assessment tools in their graduate hiring processes. Here are a few companies who have successfully used graduate assessment tools in their recruitment process. 

According to the Aberdeen Group, assessments can reduce the time-to-fill positions by 36%.

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)

PwC, another of the Big Four accounting firms, utilises graduate assessment tools to evaluate candidates’ cognitive abilities, behavioural competencies, and technical skills. They often incorporate case interviews into their assessment process. 


Deloitte, one of the Big Four accounting firms, employs various graduate assessment tools to evaluate candidates for positions in auditing, consulting, and other professional services. They utilise both cognitive and behavioural assessments to gauge candidates’ abilities and potential. 

General Electric (GE)

GE employs a range of graduate assessment tools to evaluate candidates for roles in engineering, technology, and management. They may use online tests, situational judgment tests, and interviews to assess candidates’ skills and fit for the organisation. 


IBM uses cognitive ability tests and technical assessments to evaluate candidates applying for technical roles. They also assess candidates’ problem-solving skills and ability to work in a team through interviews and scenarios. 

Best Practices to Follow in Tool Selection

Selecting the right assessment tools for your organisation’s graduate hiring needs can significantly impact the quality of your hires and the overall success of your recruitment process. To help you make an informed choice, here are some best practices that you can follow: 

  • Candidate engagement – Personalise your communication by addressing candidates by name, referencing their application or interview specifics, and highlighting their skills’ alignment with the role. This tailored approach demonstrates genuine interest and fosters stronger candidate engagement.
  • Gamification features – Enhance recruitment effectiveness by incorporating skill-based challenges within your gamification features. These challenges assess candidates’ relevant competencies, making the process more engaging while providing a more accurate evaluation of their abilities.
  • Tailor assessments to the role – Select tools that align with the specific skills and attributes essential for success in your industry. Tailoring assessments ensure you identify candidates who not only meet the job requirements but also contribute effectively to your organisation.
  • Look for validity and reliability – Choose assessment tools that have been validated through research and demonstrate a high degree of reliability. Validity ensures that the tool measures what it claims to measure, while reliability ensures consistent results.
  • Candidate experience – Foster a positive candidate experience by providing transparent and constructive feedback, whether a candidate is selected or not. This feedback helps candidates grow professionally and leaves them with a favourable impression of your organisation.
  • Data security and privacy – Prioritise data security and privacy by selecting tools that comply with relevant data protection laws and have strong security measures in place. Protecting candidate data is vital.
  • Integration with existing systems – Integrate your assessment tools with your existing recruitment systems, such as Applicant Tracking Software, to improve efficiency and data management. 

Key Takeaways

Ready to revolutionise your graduate hiring process? Experience the power of Accendo’s Graduate Program with its cutting-edge features like “Simplify” for swift candidate initiation and engaging game-based assessments. Take the first step towards elevating your graduate hiring experience by trying our program for free today! Don’t miss out on this opportunity to set a new standard in graduate recruitment. Try Accendo’s Graduate Program now! 

Accendo’s Graduate Program is a game-changer in graduate hiring. It introduces a faster, digitised, and more engaging experience, with features like ‘Simplify’ for swift candidate initiation. Interactive game-based assessments for graduate hiring and comprehensive evaluations, including the consolidated report within TalentPulse, streamline the hiring process. This program revolutionises candidate assessment and selection, setting a new standard in graduate hiring, with TalentPulse as the one-stop platform providing top-tier assessments for your organisation. 


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is a psychometric test for graduate hiring?

A psychometric test for graduate hiring is a specialised assessment designed to evaluate the cognitive abilities, personality traits, and skills of recent graduates or entry-level candidates. These tests are commonly used by employers to make informed hiring decisions and assess a candidate’s suitability for a particular role or organisation. 

Which types of assessments help engage with graduates during hiring?

Various types of assessments can help engage with graduates during the hiring process. These include situational judgment tests, personality assessments, and cognitive ability tests. These assessments provide valuable insights into a candidate’s competencies, work style, and decision-making abilities, aiding employers in making more informed hiring decisions. 

Which game-based assessments help gamify hiring?

Game-based assessments, such as gamified situational judgment tests or cognitive games, can add an element of fun and engagement to the hiring process. These assessments leverage gaming elements to evaluate candidates’ skills and competencies while making the process more interactive and enjoyable. 

What are the benefits of using recruitment assessments versus traditional tests in graduate hiring?

Recruitment assessments offer several benefits over traditional tests in graduate hiring. They provide a more holistic view of a candidate’s abilities, helping identify the right fit for a role and the organisation’s culture. Additionally, they often reduce bias and improve prediction of job success, leading to better hiring outcomes. 

Can you add organisational branding during graduate hiring?

Yes, you can incorporate organisational branding during graduate hiring to enhance your employer brand and attract top talent. This can be done through customised application processes, branded assessment materials, and showcasing your company’s values and culture throughout the hiring journey. 

Do I need to partner with different assessments vendors to cover end-to-end recruitment?

Partnering with different assessment vendors may not always be necessary to cover end-to-end recruitment. Some assessment providers offer a comprehensive range of tools and assessments that can meet various hiring needs. Evaluate your specific requirements before deciding whether multiple vendors are necessary. 

What is the advantage of choosing Accendo as a graduate hiring partner over other companies?

Choosing Accendo as a graduate hiring partner offers several advantages over other companies. Accendo specialises in tailored graduate recruitment solutions, leveraging innovative assessments and technology to identify high-potential candidates. Their expertise in this niche area ensures a more efficient and effective hiring process, ultimately leading to better outcomes for your organisation. 

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