You Need Game-Based Assessments and More to Attract Top Talent

Written by Sheu Quen

7 minute read

Game-based assessments are a fantastic tool for attracting graduates, offering a fun and engaging way to showcase your company’s innovative side. However, to truly stand out in today’s competitive job market, you need a comprehensive strategy. This includes offering competitive salaries and benefits, promoting work-life balance, and providing clear career development opportunities. Building a strong employer brand is also crucial. Our article addresses these areas and how you can create an attractive and competitive environment that draws top talent. 

Key Takeaway

While game-based assessments are excellent for engaging graduates, they won’t make you stand out in a fiercely competitive job market. To truly attract top talent, focus on your employer value proposition, build a strong employer brand, and cultivate a solid corporate identity and culture. 

The Reality of Graduate Employment Today 

Graduates today are all about good salaries, a great work environment, opportunities for career advancement, and strong employer branding. While everyone’s focused on these must-haves, adding a fun and engaging application process can be the cherry on top to grab their attention. 

According to the Graduates’ Choice Award (GCA) 2023, top graduates prioritise work-life balance, flexible working conditions, and competitive salaries. Companies like AIA Berhad, Maybank, Nestlé, and Petronas were named as preferred employers due to their strong employer brands and alignment with graduates’ career aspirations. 

Here’s Why You’re Struggling to Find Top Talent 

Graduates today might be flooding the employment market, but the overall population is shrinking, making it harder to find top talent. With fewer candidates available and many being more selective due to factors like fulfilling, balanced, and growth-oriented careers where they can thrive and see a future, companies need to excel in key areas to attract and retain the best. 

Poor Employer Value Propositions 

Unattractive Compensation and Benefits 

Graduates are comparing offers from companies worldwide, and with Malaysia’s weak ringgit compared to stronger global currencies, it’s even more challenging. Competitive salaries and attractive packages are crucial deciding factors. If your compensation isn’t appealing, those top candidates will likely choose offers from countries with stronger currencies, where their earnings can have more value. 

Little to Zero Work-Life Balance 

Today’s graduates value work-life balance. This means flexible working hours and remote work options are a must. Companies with rigid schedules and no remote work policies just aren’t cutting it anymore for graduates who want flexibility. 

Lack of Career Development Opportunities 

Graduates today are more pragmatic and they’re all about personal growth and career development. They want to apply to companies that offer clear paths for career progression, mentorship, and continuous learning opportunities. If you’re not offering these, you risk losing them to your competitors that do invest in their employees’ growth.  

Weak Employer Branding 

Not Being Seen as Innovative and Forward-Thinking 

Being seen as innovative and forward-thinking is crucial to attracting tech-savvy graduates who prefer dynamic, modern companies. Game-based assessments not only make the hiring process more fun but also demonstrate that you’re up-to-date with technology, and this makes you more appealing to top talent. 

Negative Candidate Experience 

A negative candidate experience can harm your company’s reputation and deter top talent from applying in the future. In contrast, a positive candidate experience leads to higher interest and engagement with your company. Even those who don’t land the job are likely to speak positively about their experience, bolstering your reputation. The interactive nature of game-based assessments can significantly enhance the candidate experience, ensuring that candidates leave with a favourable impression of your company. 

Lack of Corporate Identity and Culture 

Chaotic Work Environment and Culture 

Graduates prefer workplaces that are dynamic and collaborative, where innovation and creativity are encouraged. If your workplace is too rigid or hierarchical, you might be turning off potential candidates who want an engaging and innovative career. 

Weak Reputation and a Poor Online Presence 

A weak employer reputation and poor online presence means potential candidates won’t see you in the best light. Plus, if you don’t know where graduates spend most of their time online and aren’t sending them targeted ad campaigns, you’re missing out on connecting with them. 

Your Employer Value Propositions are the Missing Items in Your Graduate Hiring Strategy 

While game-based assessments are a great start, you’ll need more than that to attract top talent. Here’s how to craft a compelling strategy that addresses their expectations, enhances your employer brand, and ensures you stand out in a competitive job market. In addition to your game-based assessments, these are the three must-haves in your graduate hiring strategy.

Strong Employer Value Propositions 

Competitive Salaries and Packages 

Research indicates that employees who feel fairly compensated are more likely to remain satisfied with their jobs and stay with their employers long term.  

  • A higher starting salary can attract graduates motivated by financial incentives. 
  • The starting salary reflects the role’s perceived value, an employer’s commitment, and the candidate’s qualifications. 
  • Securing a job with a high starting salary is crucial for achieving financial stability, alleviating concerns about student loan debt and living expenses, which makes the job more appealing. 
  • Include performance-based bonuses, stock options, benefits like health insurance, retirement plans, and perks like gym memberships or wellness programs. 

Work-Life Balance 

Research shows that work-life balance initiatives can reduce employee attrition and increase employee satisfaction and productivity. 

  • Allow employees to choose where they work best, whether that’s in the office, from home, or a hybrid model.  
  • Provide access to wellness programs, such as fitness classes, meditation services, and wellness challenges. 
  • Offer on-site childcare or childcare assistance programs to help working parents balance their responsibilities. McKinsey’s research indicates that companies offering childcare support see increased employee retention and satisfaction as working parents with reliable childcare support are more productive and less stressed. 

Career Development Programs 

Want to keep your new hires around and happy? Build solid career development programs, encourage continuous learning, and create a feedback-friendly culture where employees get regular, constructive input. You could also focus on offering: 

  • Personalised development plans 
  • Job rotations and cross-training 
  • Leadership programs 
  • Networking opportunities 
  • Tuition reimbursement for advanced degrees or professional certifications 

Positive Employer Branding 

Embrace Innovation in Recruitment 

Game-based assessments are a great start, but why stop there? Spice things up with VR simulations, AI-driven interview platforms, and gamified skills assessments. Here are some ways to use innovation to your advantage: 

  • Giving candidates a sneak peek through VR provides an immersive experience that showcases daily tasks, team interactions, and the office environment. 
  • Using AI-driven platforms can help with screening resumes, conducting initial interviews, and assessing candidates’ skills through interactive scenarios.  
  • Gamifying the entire skill assessment process creates challenges that align with the job role. 

Enhance the Candidate Experience 

Even if some candidates aren’t selected, they may still share their experience with others. By making the process smooth, informative, and engaging, you’ll leave a lasting positive impression. 

  • Start by keeping the application process user-friendly and clear.  
  • Give timely updates and constructive feedback so candidates aren’t left hanging. 
  • Use automated systems to keep everyone in the loop and engaged. 
  • Remember to ask for feedback after interviews. 

Additionally, you could think about adding some personal touches: 

  • Personalised emails and a friendly, approachable communication style. 
  • Virtual office tours or “day-in-the-life” videos to showcase your company culture. 
  • Q&A sessions with current employees to make candidates feel more connected. 

Solid Corporate Identity and Culture 

Foster a Collaborative Work Environment 

Create open and inclusive workspaces to make everyone feel welcome, be part of the team, and ready to bring their best ideas forward. 

  • Bring cross-functional teams together. 
  • Make brainstorming sessions a regular thing. 
  • Celebrate wins with employee recognition programs. 
  • Keep the camaraderie strong with social activities and team-building events. 

To take it a step further: 

  • Encourage open communication where everyone feels their voice is heard. 
  • Use collaborative tools and technology to facilitate seamless teamwork, even for remote employees. 
  • Offer professional development opportunities that emphasise collaboration skills and innovative thinking. 

Strengthen Employer Branding 

Your HR Marketing team is responsible for your culture and values, managing your online presence, and keeping your brand attractive. They should also: 

  • Ensure communications consistently reflect your company’s values and culture. 
  • Be open about your company’s goals, challenges, and successes. 
  • Regularly interact with followers on social media. 
  • Highlight stories of employee progression and development within the company. 
  • Promote your company’s commitment to diversity and inclusion. 
  • Encourage employees to share their experiences on the company’s social media channels. 

What Does This Mean for You? 

Graduates today have high expectations and numerous options; failing to meet their needs can result in losing the best talent to competitors. To attract and retain top talent, it’s essential to enhance your overall value proposition. This means offering competitive salaries, fostering a dynamic work environment, and investing in strong employer branding. By focusing on these areas, you can create an attractive and competitive environment that draws top graduates to your company. 

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