Digital Mind Assessments

Digital disruption can be a catalyst to business succeeding or failing depending on your employees digital readiness

ACCENDO > Talent Solutions > Digital Mindset

Digital is a mindset and way of doing things

Digital disruption can be a catalyst to business succeeding or failing depending on your employees digital readiness

Organization-wide disruption is causing dramatic shifts in culture and capabilities. New skills are emerging, and existing skills are evolving and expiring.

Harvard Business Review

When robots take over manual tasks and AI can handle jobs that previously required a brain, what remains to be done by humans will be different from what is done today.

MIT Technological Review

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Create a talent pathway to digital readiness with Accendo’s Digital Change model

Technology has disrupted every part of our day to day lives and regardless of whether you are the CEO of a fortune 500 company, an SME owner or a retail entrepreneur; embracing the future of business is never going to be easy. In boardrooms around the world “digital” is on every discussion agenda. While infrastructure and technology are clearly important considerations, digital transformation starts with people and shifting their mindset into a digital first ideology. In fact, according to research most organisations don’t address the necessary cultural shift needed to change the mindset of employees, resulting in unsuccessful digital transformation projects. Accendo’s Digital Change model allows companies to understand the current state and future state of their employee digital mindset and identify key gaps where intervention is needed to optimise digital transformation.

Why Accendo’s Digital Change model?

Real World Context

Our model is based on client and academic research to ensure relevance to real business context

Robust Methodology

Our talent assessment marketplace provides a multi-dimensional view of your employees digital readiness and deep dives into areas of intervention

Measurable Change

Having visibility into pre and post digital assessment results creates a change pathway that makes transformation bite sized and manageable