Talent Analytics Overview
Analyze employee data and incorporate insights in your talent strategy to attract, engage, and retain top candidates while enabling you to make better hiring and employment decisions.
Gauge Your Talent’s Fit-to-Hire
Evaluate a talent’s fit-to-hire based on assessment and interview data, understand the strengths and gaps of each talent, and gauge a talent’s potential fit for a role. This can also help to eliminate the chances of a bad hire while keeping the costs of recruitment down in the long run.
Evaluate Skills and Competencies
A strong talent development program can support an organization’s overall strategy at various levels. Evaluate organization-wide skills gaps and each skill’s availability across your company to identify the capability of employees at each level of proficiency.
Identify Your Top Performers
Identify your superstars by easily selecting the competencies or skills based on what high potential means to you, planning their career development and organizational improvement, and evaluating their potential as future team leaders.
Manage People and Talent Risk
Retain key talents by identifying the potential red flags within your organization, visualizing the mission-critical positions, and assessing your organization’s health based on the number of successors identified and their role fit.
Manage Talent and Roles
A role fit analysis provides an indication of the potential readiness or risks, effort, and time needed for development. Match talents against different roles to identify their best-fit roles and uncover their hidden potential.
Match Talents to Roles
Search and compare potential candidates based on multiple criteria to identify the best-fit talent for different roles. This enables key stakeholders to make more effective and objective hiring decisions with data-driven insights and clear visibility.
Assess Talents for Succession Planning
Discover who your high potential talents are for succession planning by identifying overall group trends, filtering talents for segmentation, and comparing these talent profiles based on selected parameters and multidimensional assessment data.
Align Talent Career Paths
View multiple possible career paths for your talents and employees for each aspired role. The path of least resistance algorithm provides a recommendation for employees using the shortest route towards development for their aspired roles.