Leading Utility Company Leverages Accendo’s Talent Intelligence Platform for HiPo Identification and Development
Business Challenge
Evaluating and Assessing Employees for High Potential
Putting employees first is simply good business. After all, employees are a company’s most valuable asset. And it is no different for this company. The company was allowed to nurture its inclusive working environment to identify high-potential (HiPo) employees and groom strong leaders.
The company’s shift towards achieving that objective can be found in an integral part of its Sustainability Reporting to empower its people and nurture their talent by upskilling and reskilling their existing talent to navigate modern technologies. Developing the skills and capabilities of their workforce development is crucial to achieving the company’s strategic objectives and ensuring that their employees are fully equipped to become an integral part of their sustainable business growth.
The company had set their eyes on improving the approach towards HiPo identification to include a wider pool of HiPo nominees, more comprehensive insights to enable better selection, and connecting this to development to help build a strong leadership bench.
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A Consolidated Approach to Identifying HiPo Candidates
To achieve these goals, the company realised they not only needed to expand the nomination of high-potential talent to include a wider pool of employees within the company but also the following:
- Assessment insights that could identify the potential of the talent, and not just the normal assessment reports
- The ability to quickly perform a 9-Box analysis that combined both the assessment results and the employee’s performance against KPIs
- And finally, insights into the kind of development needs of the employee would help them channel them into targeted growth and career development tracks
In all this, the company knew that what they expected from a solution provider was not commonly available. The situation was challenging because most vendors either tend to specialise in assessment solutions, and technology platforms, or provide consulting expertise. In this case, the company needed assessment depth as well as consulting expertise that could be delivered on a technology platform. This was a tall order, and the utility company knew that fact.
In discussions with his team members and reviewing all the existing vendors that had interacted with the utility’s team, the company was introduced to Accendo.
Earlier in the year, the Accendo team had presented their Talent Intelligence Platform and Assessment solutions to the company in the past. The uniqueness of Accendo’s solution was the ability not just to offer robust assessments, but also to provide a technology platform that enabled talent intelligence with the promise of also being cost-effective. This unique capability had stayed in the minds of the company’s HR team, and when they discussed their challenges with other team members, Accendo’s name came up as a possible viable solution.
Once Accendo consulting was made aware of the requirements, they were immediately able to propose a complete solution to address all of the company’s key requirements:
A HiPo report that quantified potential
The company was able to leverage Accendo’s HiPo Identification assessments that catered to the perspective of each candidate’s “stretchability” – the potential to which talent could be extended in terms of their capabilities, agility, and self-motivation. This gave them the ability an appropriate measurement gauge to identify not just the HiPos, but also the extent of the potential
Automating the 9-box grid analysis
It leveraged Accendo’s 9-box solution that allowed the performance and KPI data from their core HR systems to be integrated into Accendo’s platform and mapped against the potential data. This provided the company with the insights it needed to identify and develop talents for the future.
Aligning development programs
Leveraging these insights, Accendo’s consulting team worked with the company’s team to help design the development programs for each employee, based on where they stood in the 9-box. This simplified and streamlined the entire process for the company team while ensuring continuity and value for the participants by seeing the assessments through to their development journeys and their career progression.
Leading Utility Company Completes Its HiPo Identification Process in 2.5 Months
Overall, the company was pleased with the company’s decision to work with Accendo. The company was able to achieve its objectives of holistically evaluating, reviewing, and developing talents based on consolidated insights.
The company does not doubt that it can go on to build talent-ready pipelines to meet the business needs and achieve its goal of working sustainably as part of its sustainable reporting.
Pipeline was built
Holistic Evaluation
Of talents
Reporting process
Review and development of talents
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