Monitor and Evaluate Your Succession Plans with TalentPulse 

Written by Sheu Quen

4 minute read

Are you properly evaluating your succession plan? Our article explores the importance and the challenges of monitoring and evaluating succession plans. Still not sure how this works? We have created a guide for you on how to fine-tune your succession planning strategy using clear metrics and modern tools on TalentPulse. From identifying potential leadership gaps to fine-tuning your succession plans, we can help you maintain a strong leadership pipeline to meet and exceed today’s dynamic business challenges. Let’s get started! 

Setting the Stage for Effective Succession Planning 

Succession planning is like keeping a houseplant alive – you can’t water it once and expect it to thrive. 

A Deloitte study showed that only 14% of companies have a strong leadership pipeline. This shows that ongoing care is crucial. Regular monitoring and evaluation ensure that plans stay in sync with changing business needs and market conditions. This proactive approach keeps organisations competitive and poised for success. 

As The Harvard Business Review highlighted, companies with solid succession plans are 1.5 times more likely to outperform their peers. But beware: without consistent attention, even the best-laid plans can wither on the vine. 

Challenges of Monitoring and Evaluating Your Succession Plans 

So, you have a succession plan in place. That’s great! But now comes the challenge of maintaining it. This is where many organisations hit a few bumps along the way.  

A company without clear metrics for evaluating leadership readiness is like trying to measure success without a ruler or a scale. Without defined benchmarks, it’s difficult to evaluate whether potential leaders are ready to take the helm. This ambiguity can lead to promoting people who aren’t ready or losing talent that could have become great leaders. 

Now let’s talk about feedback – or lack thereof. Feedback loops are the lifeline of any good succession plan. Without them, messages get distorted and critical insights from stakeholders get lost in translation. This absence can result in a mismatch between leadership development and business needs. 

When budgets are tight, and time is of the essence, ongoing monitoring and evaluation can quickly fall by the wayside. Companies might cut corners on crucial aspects like training programs or evaluation tools. Meanwhile, personnel constraints mean there’s not enough hands on deck to manage the process effectively. 

Readers, beware! If these are not addressed, leadership gaps may emerge. Companies end up rushing to fill critical roles with candidates who may not be fully prepared. 

Furthermore, companies risk losing valuable institutional knowledge. When seasoned leaders resign without a successor, key insights and expertise walk out the door with them. This loss can disrupt operations and erode the company culture that took years to build. 

Fine-Tuning Your Succession Planning Strategy 

We’ve identified the hurdles for you. Now let’s navigate through them with some practical solutions that keep the wheel turning smoothly. 

Establish Clear Metrics 

Clear metrics are your tour guides as you venture through the leadership development terrain. TalentPulse measures four critical scores: Leadership, Agility, Cultural Fit, and Skills. Each of these areas provides a quantifiable way to gauge potential leaders: 

  • Leadership: Evaluates strategic thinking, people management, and ability to handle ambiguity. 
  • Agility: Measures adaptability in rapidly changing environments. 
  • Cultural Fit: Assesses alignment with the organisation’s principles, purpose, and performance orientation. 
  • Skills: Looks at specific competencies needed for future roles. 

Setting specific and measurable criteria across these dimensions ensures that your evaluations are data-driven decisions. 

Utilise Technology and Tools 

With the array of tools available, there’s no reason to go manual with your succession planning. TalentPulse offers specialised assessments: 

These tools are designed to track an individual’s readiness and predicted role fit: 

  • Readiness Level: How prepared an employee is to step into a new role, considering their current skills and growth trajectory. 
  • Predicted Role Fit: How well an employee’s competencies, behaviours, and values match up with the role’s requirements. 

Leveraging such analytics can make your succession planning sharper and more strategic. 

Regular Reviews and Updates 

Finally, don’t let your succession plan gather dust. Regular reviews and updates are crucial as they ensure your strategy evolves alongside organisational changes and priorities. This continuous revisiting keeps your plan fresh and aligned with current and future needs. 


Remember, effective succession planning is an ongoing commitment. It requires constant monitoring and fine-tuning to ensure it aligns with evolving business landscapes. With TalentPulse, you can leverage clear metrics, integrate feedback mechanisms, and regularly update your succession plans. Book a demo with us to find out how we can help you. 

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