How to Merge Career Pathing with Learning & Development

Written by Sheu Quen

4 minute read

Merging career pathing with learning and development is like combining peanut butter and jelly – each is great on its own, but together, they create something truly special. When done right, this combination can boost your employees’ growth and, in turn, your company’s success. But before diving into the how, let us look at where we currently stand, and the challenges companies face in merging these essential HR tools. By the end, we will introduce how TalentPulse can help your team grow in a way that is good for everyone. 

The Current State of Career Pathing and Learning & Development

Companies that prioritise learning and development create workplaces where employees feel deeply connected and purposeful. 

According to LinkedIn’s 2024 Workplace Learning Report, 70% of employees say learning improves their connection to their company, while 80% say it adds purpose to their work. 

This sense of belonging and purpose translates into tangible benefits for companies: 94% of employees would stay longer with a company that invests in their professional growth, leading to retention rates twice as high than those without a strong learning culture. And they are better prepared to meet future challenges, retain talent, and ensure resilience. 

The Barriers to Merging Career Pathing with Learning & Development

A significant barrier is the siloed nature of HR functions. When career pathing and learning & development are managed by separate teams with little collaboration, it’s nearly impossible to create a unified strategy. This lack of coordination leads to disjointed development plans that fail to fully support employees’ growth. 

Furthermore, today’s workforce is incredibly diverse, and a one-size-fits-all approach simply doesn’t cut it. However, the task of creating personalised career paths that align with individual learning opportunities is complex and resource intensive. It requires a deep understanding of each employee’s aspirations, strengths, and areas for development. 

Sometimes, even the best intentions fall short without the right tools. Many companies lack the integrated systems needed to track and align career progression with learning activities. This is where technology like TalentPulse becomes invaluable, offering the data-driven insights necessary to connect the dots between learning and career growth.

How to Merge Your Employees’ Career Paths with Learning & Development

Develop a Unified HR Strategy with Aligned Objectives 

Start by establishing shared KPIs and objectives that connect career progression with learning & development activities. This ensures that both short-term skills development and long-term career growth objectives are met. 

With TalentPulse, companies can seamlessly merge career pathing with learning & development by identifying specific skill gaps through role fit assessments. The approach allows HR teams to create personalised learning & development plans and set KPIs that link learning activities to career development. 

By leveraging TalentPulse’s detailed insights, companies can design learning & development programs that are specifically tailored to enhance role fit and support continuous employee growth. As a result, learning becomes a critical component of career success, which helps companies retain top talent. 

Leverage Technology for Integration 

Investing in integrated HR and learning & development platforms make it easier to track and connect career progression with learning outcomes. Utilising AI and analytics can provide personalised learning recommendations based on employees’ career goals and performance data. 

Imagine having a system that automatically suggests relevant courses or training programs based on an employee’s career aspirations and current skill set. This not only makes the learning process more relevant and engaging for employees but also ensures that they’re developing the skills needed for their next career move. 

Establish a Culture of Continuous Learning and Feedback 

Creating a culture where continuous learning is valued is crucial for the success of this integration. Promote a growth mindset within your company where learning is seen as an essential part of career development. 

Make sure to train managers to support and guide employees through their personalised career and learning paths. Regular check-ins where both parties can review career progress and identify relevant learning & development opportunities can make a world of difference. Additionally, establish a feedback mechanism that allows employees to voice their needs and preferences for career development and learning. 


Merging career pathing with learning & development might seem daunting at first, but with the right approach, it can lead to remarkable results for both your employees and your business. By developing a unified HR strategy, leveraging technology, and fostering a culture of continuous learning, you can create a more engaged, skilled, and loyal workforce. So, why wait? Book a demo with us today and we will show you how TalentPulse can help your team—and your business—thrive. 

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