Blog Series Part 4 of 7 – The Challenges of Combining Data from Multiple Assessment Tools 

In our overview blog, we talked about the 7 challenges that organisations face when using multiple assessment tools. This kick-started a blog series that began with Part 1 of 7 on the challenges of dealing with multiple assessment vendors, followed by Parts 2 and 3 of 7 on the high time commitment of using multiple assessment tools and the challenges of interpreting multiple reports. Our blog today will cover the challenges in consolidating data from multiple assessment tools. 


Often, assessment scores from multiple tools need to be consolidated for meaningful and convenient analysis. As a result, this opens yet another can of worms for HR teams, leading to manual analysis using spreadsheets, documents, and presentations. 

For instance, to make the right decision, a hiring manager may require results from a psychometric test, a simulation, a case study, and an interview. To assist the hiring manager, HR teams must manually combine the different scores and analysis them into a consolidated document. Alternatively, there may be a need to combine 360 data with a psychometric to take critical decisions around succession planning. 

To enable this process, HR teams would need to do the consolidation on a spreadsheet, a document, or a presentation. These are all additional tasks for HR teams to deal with as all assessment tools differ in their formats, methodologies, and results, thus ending in complexities around the following challenges. 

Incompatibility of Assessment Data

It is common for different assessments to utilise different methods, scales, or tools, resulting in inconsistent and incompatible data sets. This can make it difficult to compare scores or draw clear conclusions. For instance, one assessment may use a Likert scale to measure a particular characteristic, while another assessment may employ a numerical rating scale.  

Although both scales may be measuring the same construct, the difference in scale formats may result in different scores or interpretations. Therefore, when comparing results from different assessments, it is important to consider the different scales used and to exercise caution when drawing conclusions. 

Conflicting and Inconsistent Results

Despite the effectiveness of assessment tools in evaluating individuals, different assessments may still produce conflicting or inconsistent results. This can make it difficult to reach clear and accurate conclusions. 

For example, one assessment may suggest that an individual has a high level of emotional intelligence, while another may indicate the opposite. This inconsistency could be a result of the differences in the assessments’ validity or reliability or the state of mind and environment of the individual at the time of assessment. Hence, it is important, to begin with, the end in mind and ensure that the assessment tools do not result in such kind of situations. 

Are your HR teams responsible for interpreting assessment reports? Learn more about the challenges of interpreting multiple assessment reports. 

Limited Information from Assessment Tools

Assessment tools are critical instruments that help HR teams and hiring managers understand an individual’s strengths and weaknesses. However, some assessments may fall short of providing a comprehensive view of an individual’s abilities. 

Limited or incomplete information can make it difficult for HR teams to gain a complete picture of a candidate’s potential. 

For example, relying solely on an assessment that only evaluates verbal skills may not provide an accurate representation of an individual’s overall potential. Rather, it can lead to misinterpretation or a misdiagnosis of a person’s abilities. 

Complexity of Assessment Reports

There can be a great deal of complexity and difficulty when interpreting assessment reports, which can require a high level of expertise and proficiency. 

This complex process can be attributed to several factors, such as variations in assessment formats, scoring methods, and interpretation guidelines. All of these contribute to increasing complexity. To make matters worse, the abundance of data across tools must be analysed individually and together, which makes the process even more time-consuming and demanding. 

In the absence of appropriate training and expertise, it may be challenging for individuals to understand the results accurately and make informed decisions. In this regard, it is essential to have professionals who are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to conduct a complete analysis and provide a comprehensive recommendation. 

To learn more about what it takes to learn how to use different assessment tools, check out our blog on the level of commitment needed for each assessment tool


Issues such as the above highlight the intricacies of data consolidation when using multiple assessment tools. To overcome these challenges, it is important that HR teams and hiring managers approach the process with a complete understanding of how to use assessment tools while seeking guidance from experts in the field to draw accurate and meaningful conclusions from the data. 

Stay tuned for our next blog on scattered assessment scores and talent data. To find out more about the various talent assessment tools, read our blog on the Top 25 Talent Assessment Tools in 2023 and the best practices for using these tools. 

Related queries

What are some of the difficulties of conducting an assessment in actual work organizations?

Difficulties in conducting assessments in actual work organizations include time constraints, resistance to change, bias, lack of standardization, lack of resources, privacy concerns, limited buy-in, and limited scope.

How can a company overcome these challenges?

To overcome the challenges of conducting assessments in actual work organizations, some strategies include allocating sufficient time and resources, involving employees in the assessment process, ensuring standardization and fairness, addressing biases, providing clear communication and feedback, ensuring confidentiality and privacy, and promoting the value of assessments. It’s also important to conduct regular evaluations of the assessment process to identify areas for improvement.

What areas do the talent assessment tools in Accendo’s Marketplace measure?

We are constantly adding new tools and measures into the marketplace. Currently the tools measure leadership, agility, cognitive, technical and cultural facets.

Can data from any other tools be added?

Yes, any raw data from other tools/processes can be added into the final report.