Category: Blog

  • Your Cheat Sheet to Mastering Virtual Assessment Centres

    An assessment centre is like a dynamic theatre stage where you are the performer. Your skills and talents are displayed through various scenes that demonstrate adaptability, teamwork, and problem-solving in the spotlight. However, this theatre is where creativity and collaboration take centre stage, designed to draw out your best in a contest of skill, strategy,…

  • A Practical Guide on How to Implement Succession Planning in Organisations 

    Succession planning is akin to assembling a company puzzle, crucial for seamless transitions. The blog contrasts McDonald’s successful plan with Coca-Cola’s failed attempt. Our practical guide discusses the steps on how to implement succession planning, its challenges, and engagement with senior leadership. Introduction Succession planning is like putting together a jigsaw puzzle for a company.…

  • Top 10 Game-Based Assessments for Recruitment and Hiring 

    Assessment science has evolved significantly in the last decade with a growing emphasis on candidate experience. Game-based assessments have revitalised pre-employment testing, aligning with the heightened focus on candidate engagement. A study conducted by Criteria revealed that, on average, candidates favoured game based assessments, with 26% strongly agreeing and 25% somewhat agreeing with this preference.…

  • Choosing the Right Vendor for Your 360 Feedback Tool 

    Choosing the right 360 feedback tool vendor is crucial for employee development and success in today’s competitive landscape. But with many vendors offering 360 assessment tools, how do you select the ideal one for your organisation’s strategic goals? Evaluating vendor performance goes beyond just numbers on a contract. Learn why this choice matters, explore the…

  • 12 Best 360 Degree Feedback Tools to Boost Employee Performance 

    To foster transparency and honest feedback in the workplace, anonymity is sometimes necessary, as fear of job security or strained relationships can stifle constructive input. In our latest blog, we explore the best 12 360-degree feedback tools that empower employee performance improvement. These tools are essential for unlocking your team’s potential, promoting professional growth, and…

  • Top 10 Best Psychometric Test Providers for Recruitment 

    Tired of sifting through countless CVs? Discover how the best psychometric tests, favoured by 65% of Malaysian recruiters, offer profound insights into candidates’ cognitive abilities and personality traits, leading to better hires and reduced turnover. This blog covers the types of tests, their benefits, and future trends in psychometrics for recruitment. Don’t miss this crucial…

  • Top 20 Recruitment Assessment Tools for Graduate Hiring

    In the rapidly evolving realm of graduate hiring, the race to secure the best talent is relentless. With industries shifting gears and competition soaring, the need for precise recruitment tools has never been more critical. This blog is your gateway to the top 20 assessment tools meticulously curated for graduate hiring in the years ahead.…

  • Don’t Ignore Succession Planning: Ensuring Business Continuity with a Proven Framework

    Human resources form the dynamic backbone of an organisation, with constant transitions of personnel being a common reality in today’s corporate landscape. Ensuring the seamless promotion or hiring of qualified individuals to fill vacant positions is paramount for the continuity and triumph of a business. This strategic process of identifying critical roles and cultivating the…

  • Top 5 Succession Planning Tools

    Succession planning is essential for organisations to ensure smooth leadership transitions and continuity. Our blog today covers the importance of succession planning, steps to choose the right succession planning solution, five top succession planning tools, the best software options, and how top organisations leveraged Accendo for their succession planning.  Introduction Succession planning is a crucial…

  • The Ultimate Guide to Succession Planning: Building a Strong Talent Pipeline for Smooth Leadership Transitions 

    Succession planning is critical for organisations to ensure smooth leadership transitions and long-term success. In our comprehensive guide, we explore why succession planning is important, the challenges of succession planning, and the strategies required to overcome them. Our succession planning guide also covers the four-step process, implementation steps, benefits, real examples, best practices, and emerging…